Thursday, 12 July 2007

Questions for Human Resources.

  1. If they are small, unobtrusive, and kept well under control, can we light recreational fires in the kitchen area?
  2. Under what circumstances would it be acceptable to conduct experiments on live animals in the work-place?
  3. What is the maximum force in pounds per square inch that the weight bearing walls of the office could sustain? How could such forces be applied using every-day office equipment?
  4. If I go blind / get hairy palms from the viewing of internet pornography at work, what compensation is due to me?
  5. Does the company have an anti-tunneling policy? If so, isn’t this a bit discriminatory?
  6. Is corporal punishment considered acceptable for such crimes as singing out of tune during office hours?
  7. I think it would be amusing to staple my colleagues to the walls / ceiling with an industrial stapler – are there any pettifogging regulations that prevent me from doing this? If not, can I indent for an industrial stapler, and possibly a glue gun?
  8. The man in the cubicle next to me is clearly a complete swamp-donkey who hasn’t had a proper wash in weeks – is it possible to arrange for him to be de-loused?
  9. If there was a fire in the office, would I be allowed to use blood from the Health and Safety rep to extinguish the blaze?
  10. Drawing pins. Lethal in the wrong hands. Enough said.

Replies on a post-card please. Or whatever the techno-geek equivalent of a postcard might be. As my first ever 'blog' entry, I have, frankly f*** a** idea how this works. Any hints, tips or suggestions, be sure to let me know.

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